Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Digital Footprint

What I learned about "Digital Footprint" is to basically be careful with the internet. Especially in social medias. You might think when you post something, only your friends can see it only. But sometimes either your privacy isn't very strong or your friends might send the status, video, or picture to their friends and before you know it, its going to be all over the internet. With that kind of information out in the internet, you can get harassed online which is called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is the same concept as you are getting harassed in real life. The insults towards you is the same pain felt as if you were being beat up. Also when you associate with people online, make sure you trust them 100% percent. People who can see that much info on you can be used against you and/or used by themselves. Associating with people online isn't very safe sometimes. Like when I post something personal, I make sure I don't say too much to make sure no one can use it against me. Also if I don't like to associate with someone online I usually use a feature called "block" which is in most social medias. Blocking is used against people so they see absolutely nothing on your account and/or page.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is when you are honest about your work. Basically you didn't cheat by stealing your friends work or just copying and pasting and changing words so it looks like you did it yourself. Academic Integrity is very important to pass the class. If the teacher finds out you weren't honest about your work,the consequences can get you either a failing grade or get kicked out of the program. So Academic Integrity is very important to have. In short notice, Academic Integrity is a moral code in school, to avoid plagiarism or cheating in your work.

Monday, September 16, 2013

So I started blogging....

So apparently I am blogging because of my class in my school. Interesting I never did anything like this in my old school. Highschool is interesting :D